Traffic Tips - Increase your blog or website traffic just in 3 days

Everyone one know to success in Google adsense most important thing  is traffic if your bl Traffic Tips -  Increase your blog or website traffic just in 3 days
Everyone one know to success in Google adsense most important thing is traffic if your blog or website traffic ratio is high that means you have more chance to get click from visitor. To make money online most important thing is traffic after traffic then comes other things like pr (page rank) and ranking all this things matters after traffic.

For increasing your blog or website traffic I am going to tell you two methods which are very effective. Try this :
  1. Blog commenting
  2. Forum submission
If you do these two things I am sure your traffic is going to increase. But you have to careful while commenting on a blog you have to check these things
1. Blog theme
Ex: suppose your blog is about make money online then you have comment on this type of blog.
2. Related comment
Ex: suppose you commenting on any blog don’t comment any thing which is unrelated to blog post. If blog post is on weight loss then type something on a weightless.
3. Do follow\No follow (very important?)
Ex: while commenting on any blog first check the blog is do follow or no follow. If blog is do follow then it is very useful if it is no follow then comment but you will not get pr from that blog.
4. Link
Always give your website link in to the comment.In forum submission discussion is going on. Suppose any one post a one question then everyone come and give their own ideas and answer with there link of own website. In some forum submission site you can not give link a directly if you are newbie for this site. You to post some answers without any link after some time you able to give the link of your website in comment.

Here comes the most difficult part how to find this type of blog or forum site. Don’t take tension my friend I am going to give you a simple trick. Using this trick you can easily find this type of blog or forum site.
To find .edu forum site in Google type. inurl:forum real estate
Ex: at the place of real state you have to type theme of you blog like make money online or adsense tips and tricks etc.
To find a .gov blog, in Google type inurl:blog
Ex: at the place of blog you have to type theme of your blog
To find a .gov forum, in Google type inurl:forum
To find commenting gov blog . inurl:blog "post a comment
Just type all this thing in Google you get forum and blogs.

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