Blogging Tips - How to Manage Your Blog During Exams?

 March is the month for final examinations Blogging Tips -  How to Manage Your Blog During Exams?

Exams! Exams! Exams!

Now a days, everyone is facing huge exams. In almost all Asian countries, March is the month for final examinations. So, in these exams, your schedule becomes very hectic. You have to manage your visitors, site, papers and have to make your parents proud too! In all these, the thing on which you least concentrate is your website. However, you can take benefit of exams and make your traffic jump! In this post, I would show you some cool tips to take the advantages of exams!

Exams can really be a headache. But if you would manage properly, then you can easily manage exams and site well together. Simply carry on and read these premium tips. But before that, know how does irregular blogging during exams affect your blog!

How Does Irregular Blogging Affect Your Site?

  1. Exams are going on only in Asia. So you would lose your foreign visitors.
  2. No fresh content = No SEO rankings = Your site would be pushed down in Search Listings
  3. Increase in bounce rate due to same content
  4. And much more devastating factors.

No time for blogging? I'll tell you!

Shortage of time is experienced by every blogger during exams. Due to shortage of time, a person don't blog in his her exams. Some even don't open their PC's! So, in that, follow my advice:

Wake up around 8 in morning and keep on doing your regular tasks with studies included till 9-10 in night. On 10:30 PM, switch on your PC and blog for at least 2-3 hours. Then go to sleep immediately. In this process, you would be able to live your regular life also and blog also!

Believe it or not! Some of the pro bloggers like Mohammad Mustafa follow this advice even when there are no exams so that he can spend most of the time with his family and friends and also with his website!

Competition Becomes Least!

In exams, many pro bloggers leave blogging because of the results fear. In this, take the advantage and boost up your posting rate! Post around 5-7 posts a week and you would notice that after exams, your site would be in really good reputation with a lot of traffic and advertisers!

Gain Guest Posters Not Having Exams

Its a good practice to have guest posters during your absence so that your site posts are not missed by anyone is any season. Try to introduce an ad spot competition and organize competitions for best guest poster. You can thus gain quality posts free of cost in your peak times!

Schedule Posts Before Exams

Suppose you are having 3 exams one after one. In this, it is better to schedule 4-5 posts before exams and make them publish on that day! This is a simple and clean trick which everyone could follow and it would not disappoint you! Well, these were some of my best of the tricks to tackle with exams and earn through site simultaneously.

Just free up your mind and give your best shot in examination! Best of Luck to all of you guys! I know you all would rock in examination rooms!
 March is the month for final examinations Blogging Tips -  How to Manage Your Blog During Exams? About The Author
His name is Mehul Mohan and he runs the blogger's blog He is crazy about discovering new tips and tricks in the blogosphere and newly emerged tech toys.
Follow Him: @Twitter | Facebook

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